Today we interviewed a female hairdresser Nicky Lambert. We interviewed her as we decided to interview both a male and a female hairdresser to get differing opinions. We interviewed Nicky to gain information on the hairdressing industry and the different and popular hairstyles of today. The interview went well; good framing with no problems at all. However mise en scene could have been better.
Today we interviewed wig makers and asked them questions on reasons for wigs, who buy wigs and what wigs are made of. We found this to be interesting for our topic as it ties in well with hair. The interview was good although awkward as two people were involved; regardless the framing was good and was an overall success.
Today we interviewed Pat Williams. We interviewed her because we felt it would be good to find out how hair styles have changed over the last few decades and what older people think of younger peoples hair nowadays. However, this interview wasn't a success as the framing wasn't as good as it could be and the answers weren't exactly what we were looking for as they didn't include a lot of information.
Today we filmed our Vox Pops. We went to the Wicked Cafe in college and asked fellow students how they felt about hair nowadays to gain knowledge on how students look at other peoples hair styles. Apart from one person we interviewed, all the vox pops we filmed are usable.
Today we filmed more Vox Pops. We went to Warrington Town Centre, gained permission to film that day and then asked members of the public if they would mind answering a few questions. We did this because we wanted to get a number of people who are different ages opinions on hair today. This was the second time filming vox pops as the first time we had incorrect framing. We also filmed our reconstruction of David being bullied. This was successful as we got some good footage that can be used.

Today we went to Runcorn to film Hannah Burkey - a person who has recently dyed their hair for the first time - and David Edger who was bullied during his school years due to his hair style and colour. We wanted to interview Hannah because we felt it would be good to find out how dying your hair can affect and change how you act and what people think of you, and we wanted to interview David to find out how hair stereotypes can be taken too far and how it can affect someone in a negative way. These interviews were successful as all answers that were given were what we were looking for and the framing was good.
Today we went into Stockton Heath to film our cutaways and interview a barber at the "Original Barber Shop". We filmed cutaways of hair products inside and outside many hairdressers and stores after gaining permission and then interviewed the barber. We did this because we wanted to look into what a professional thinks about hair styles nowadays.

Today we filmed and captured more cutaways such as TV footage and music videos and cutaways of our Mise-en-scene used in some of our interviews.
Today we began to capture and edit all our footage.

Today we came into college when it was a day off to get more editing done and make sure we had all footage captured.

Today we interviewed Jackie Williams, we were originally planning to re-interview Pat, unfortunatley she was unavailable at the time we needed to film. However, when interviewing Jackie we got some much better answers and the framing was good this time, although the mise-en-scene could have been better.
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